Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Pictures around my home.

First off, these are flowers, they are gladiolas (thanks mom), that are growing around my home without me doing any work on
them at all.

The next one is a visitor I had one day. I was sitting around watching a movie on Hulu.com, yes a shameless plug but I love that website. Well anyway, I heard a loud thunk at the door, and it scared me pretty bad. I went and looked out the peephole and didnt see anyone, then it hit me that a bird probably hit the door, so I opened the door and looked down and there he was.

I was actually able to open up my storm door and get a picture right next to him. But neither of those came out well. But Mr. Bird sat there on my doormat for about 1 hour and then took off, but not before leaving me a little present. I guess it was a "Thanks for your hospitality, jerk" kind of poo. Well that has been my funny news, hope you enjoyed. I love you all.


The Sunset Hills Ward Historical Blog said...

Your flowers are gladiolas, Grant. (I love them!) AND your bird friend is cool. Last night I let Arrow and Roxie out (to go poo before I kenneled them for the night) and there was a bunny in the backyard. They ran for him, he ran to one end of the chain link fence and then back--they chased him, barking and (Arrow) howling the whole length of the yard about five times. I called to Brig and we watched them. The bunny finally escaped--hopefully wiser, he won't try that again--and the dogs had gotten a little exercise (and excitement) before bed.

Wag-a-Muffin said...

I can't figure out why I posted under my ward calling name--I logged out Sunday.
Oh well. I am the one who wrote about the dogs chasing the bunny.