Tuesday, June 15, 2010

So it looks like it is time...

To start looking for another lawyer. Brittany has decided that how much I pay in child support isn't enough. I told her that if she really wanted to go through with this, I would just take her back to court and push for partial, if not joint custody of the kids. This time the court cant put me off with a weak argument like, you have never met your kids. Not really my fault, I tried but when I did, I was turned away by the police.
Because after the last time we went to court, Brittany agreed that I should get visitation. Kennedy and Kyler have visited with me twice since then, its sort of hard to see them when they are so far away. I have also tried to keep up with calling them and talking to them, but sometimes we just cant meet up. But now Kennedy and Kyler know me, and they love me and want to spend time with me. When I do get to talk with them, they always ask when they can see me again.
So I will get a better lawyer this time, someone who will actually listen to what I tell them and do what I ask. And when I do get at least partial custody I wont have to worry about things like this again.
I have offered another choice to Brittany, one which I feel is fair, but which she will most likely never take. It seems to me as though taking care of the kids and working are too much of a strain on her. I have offered to take the children, she can have joint, partial custody of them whatever she wants. She can visit them whenever she likes, take them for whatever holiday she wants. But she will never have to give me a penny because I believe that just having my kids is a bigger blessing than having a little extra money.
That being said, I love Kennedy and Kyler, and look forward to having them this summer. I also miss Kyliena, and I wish she was older and able to come visit as well.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Job Update

Yes, I know it is late, but really, better late than never. I have a job!!!! I am posting this from my job. I have been working at Fort Irwin as a TAF analyst for the past month now. Pretty much I help the Army with their training, making sure it goes smoothly, before they deploy. It is a good job, 2 weeks of being really busy, and then usually close to a week off, then a week of slow, then back into 2 weeks of being busy. I miss my kids, but in about a month I will have Kennedy and Kyler again. Kyliena still has yet to make her way out to California for a visit with my side of the family. But I am still hopefull that she will make it out here soon. Well that is enough of an update for now.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

So it was my birthday.

The 17th was my birthday. Got a card and money from my Granddad and Grandma Black. Thanks for that. Ceri got me a 3 lb bag of Haribo Gummi Bears. Still working on those, they are awesome though. Just wanted to let me kids know that I am thinking of them and I love them. Hope everyone is doing well.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Saturday is the day.

So I get Kennedy and Kyler this coming Saturday. It has been sort of rough getting it figured out. First we were supposed to meet them in Las Vegas, then it got changed to St. George, then it almost became a no deal. But luckily we were able to work things out and meet in St. George. I am so excited because it has been a while since the last time I saw them.

Friday, March 5, 2010

Looking for work.

Well I have some job prospects, but looking for a job these days stinks. I am just glad that I have friends and old acquaintances to fall back on when looking for a job. I will be going back to college shortly as well, thank you GI Bill. Everything will be paid for so I can just do it on my time and not worry about another bill to pay. Kennedy and Kyler will be coming down here the first week of April. I am excited for that. It will have been almost 6 months since I saw them last. I am missing Kyliena, being able to see her on a daily basis spoiled me. I wish she was closer. I wish all my kids were closer. Well thats it for now.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Back in Apple Valley!!!

Yeah, maybe a little too excited, but I am happy nonetheless. I have decided that there are certain things I cant control, so I am going back to school. Going to use my GI Bill and get my degree in either Criminal Justice or International Relations focusing on Asia. My mind isnt totally made up on either but we will see, I have always felt like going into law enforcement. But I am free from all other concerns, I still love and miss my children but I believe the best thing I can do right now is get an education and get a better job. Thats about all that has gone on in my life since my last post so consider this the end. Love you all.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Sorry its been a while.

Well still no job, I almost had another one, but I couldnt score high enough on the Tagalog test. I passed the Arabic portion of my test. I have been trying to find something to help me pay my bills and get me a permanent place to stay so I could use my GI bill. But everyone I turn an application into tells me that I am too qualified, or do not meet their expectations. Oh well, I love you all.