Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Pictures around my home.

First off, these are flowers, they are gladiolas (thanks mom), that are growing around my home without me doing any work on
them at all.

The next one is a visitor I had one day. I was sitting around watching a movie on Hulu.com, yes a shameless plug but I love that website. Well anyway, I heard a loud thunk at the door, and it scared me pretty bad. I went and looked out the peephole and didnt see anyone, then it hit me that a bird probably hit the door, so I opened the door and looked down and there he was.

I was actually able to open up my storm door and get a picture right next to him. But neither of those came out well. But Mr. Bird sat there on my doormat for about 1 hour and then took off, but not before leaving me a little present. I guess it was a "Thanks for your hospitality, jerk" kind of poo. Well that has been my funny news, hope you enjoyed. I love you all.

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Sorry its been a while.

I have been quite busy, I am nearing the end of my time here. I have had a few job offers, not quite sure which one I will take, but some look more promising than others. I have some pictures that I will post, along with a story about one of them. I just wanted to let my kids know that I havent stopped thinking about them. I just have been distracted and havent gotten to updating this blog in a while. I love you, Kennedy, Kyler and Kyliena, hope to see you all soon.